By Aurangzeb Soharwardi
Virtual Quotient, Digital Quotient, Technological Quotient, Emotional Quotient, Social Quotient ,Intelligence Quotient
The life has changed into a virtual world due to digital transformation and online business and social activities . It’s a new world now which is being called as VUCA , where new knowledge is being generated , new skills are required and one has to be more tuned to face the virtual reality.
Virtual World
Most of the time is being spent in this virtual world which is technology based and super dynamic , consisting of Emails, Social Media, Websites, search engines , Bloggs and so much, making it very difficult to keep pace with.
Previously it was the game of IQ(Intelligence Quotient) then EQ(Emotional Quotient) emerged with integration to SQ(Social Quotient) and CQ(Cultural Quotient).
Virtual Intelligence Quotient
Now is the time of VQ or VIQ(Virtual Intelligence Quotient) due to survival and thriving in virtual world. So how the individuals control and use their IQ , involve EQ and overall SQ/CQ to remain relevant and effective in the virtual world.
Intelligence Quotient & Previous Studies
An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence. The abbreviation “IQ” was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenzquotient, his term for a scoring method for intelligence tests at University of Breslau he advocated in a 1912 book . ( July 8, 1857 – October 18, 1911), born Alfredo Binetti, was a French psychologist who invented the first practical IQ test, the Binet–Simon test. In 1904.
IQ classification
The virtual quotient or Virtual intelligence quotient is the application of IQ , EQ , SQ,CQ in the virtual world intelligently and appropriately. IQ classification is the practice used by IQ test publishers for designating IQ score ranges into various categories with labels such as “superior” or “average.
A field of study and a term used is Technical/Technology Quotient (TQ) which is the ability to incorporate or adapt to changes in technology by creating and implementing methods for effectively integrating technology in day to day functioning.
Technological Life
To fully exploit technology, a high TQ requires the right attitude, skills, and decision-making approaches. With rapidly changing technology, it has become important to keep pace with these changes because TQ helps to change the technology mindset as not just being confined to gadgets and apps, but as a way of life.
Technology Maturity
Technical quotient (TQ) [5] refers to students’ technology maturity. TQ is our ability to assimilate or respond to changes in technology by creating and implementing methods for effectively integrating technology into our jobs and lives . A high TQ requires the right mindset, skills and tactics to take decisions to completely exploit technology.
An individual with a high TQ can structure work to take full advantage of the technology available. An improved TQ helps people adjust to a world in which rapidly growing technology becomes much more important to every aspect of the company.
Focusing on TQ helps to change our technology mindset as not just devices and apps but as enablers for success. It can be called”Digital Quotient (DQ)” too, since it tests students’ strengths and weaknesses in technology.
Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ)
With this another term is used Digital intelligence which is the sum of social, emotional, and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to face the challenges and adapt to the demands of life in the digital world. Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ) has been defined as “a comprehensive set of technical, cognitive, meta-cognitive, and socio-emotional competencies that are grounded in universal moral values and that enable individuals to face the challenges and harness the opportunities of digital life.
The term is also used in businesses to refer to the information obtained through technologies and making use of them as an online marketing strategy . DQ does not merely refer to the skills needed to use technology more effectively or being aware of potential dangers for children who are constantly online.
According to DQ Institute, DQ is all-encompassing in that it covers all areas of individuals’ digital life that ranges from personal and social identities of individuals to their use of technology, their practical, operational and technical capabilities critical for daily digital lives and careers and the potential safety and security issues in this digital age.
Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ) can be further deconstructed into eight key areas: Digital identity, Digital rights, Digital literacy, Digital use, Digital communication, Digital safety, Digital emotional intelligence, Digital security.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
Given that “respect” is a fundamental moral principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the guiding principles of an individual’s digital life within the eight DQ areas are respect for: oneself, time and the environment, life, property, others, reputation and relationships, knowledge and rights.
Within these eight areas, there are three levels of maturity:
Level 1 – Digital Citizenship: the ability to use digital technology in safe, responsible and ethical ways ,
Level 2 – Digital Creativity: the ability to become part of the digital ecosystem and to create new knowledge, technologies and content to turn ideas into reality ,
Level 3 – Digital Competitiveness: the ability to solve global challenges, and to create new opportunities in the digital economy by driving entrepreneurship, jobs, growth and impact , As such, there are 24 digital competencies consisting of various knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
DQ as a human capability
In addition, DQ further suggests there are eight key digital citizenship competencies for children. They are Digital Citizen Identity, Screen Time Management, Digital Footprint Management, Cyber Bullying Management, Digital Empathy, Privacy Management, Critical Thinking, Cyber Security Management. there is currently no other structural model of DQ based on the definition of DQ as a human capability.
So far, only the citizenship level test, known as, has been developed. Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ) was first coined and its framework created in 2016. The concept and structure was published by the World Economic Forum in 2016 and since then, the DQ framework has been widely used by organizations from a myriad of industries locally and internationally.
Coalition for Digital Intelligence was formed by World Economic Forum with three partners , DQ Institute , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) .
Digital Intelligence Framework
The Coalition for Digital Intelligence is a multi-stakeholder community that will coordinate the implementation of the digital intelligence framework across both the technology and education sectors, making sure that both work together and the world moves collectively faster towards universal digital intelligence. Digital Quotient Institute also published DQ Global Standards Report 2019 which is Common Framework for Digital Literacy, Skills and Readiness .
According to this report DQ is a comprehensive set of digital competencies rooted in universal mor-al values for individuals to use, control, and create technology to advance humanity.
DQ aims to address the needs of educational systems, industries, and governments by providing a shared global blueprint to harness technology for a shared prosperous future during this 4th Industrial Revolution and far beyond. On the other hand, the WEF’s 2018 Future of Jobs report8 stressed an “upskilling imperative” for the workforce in an increasingly digitized world.
Without a doubt, a workforce sufficiently equipped with a comprehensive set of digital competencies would have a greater chance of standing to gain from new job opportunities arising from technological advances. As part of its efforts, this 2019 DQ Global Standards Report is the first attempt to define the DQ frame-work as the common framework of digital literacy, skills, and readiness that can be globally used as a reference framework across the education and technology sectors.
Subsequently, the DQ Global Standards Report will be published on an annual basis with updated framework based on new knowledge, best practices, and feedback that is aggregated through the CDI network while staying attuned to new technology advances.
The DQ Framework is structured around two categories: “areas” and “levels” of digital intelligence. Eight broad areas of one’s digital life have been identified: Digital Identity, Digital Use, Digital Safe-ty, Digital Security, Digital Emotional Intelligence, Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, and Digital Rights.
24 Competencies
The competencies within these eight areas can be further differentiated by three different “levels. In total, this creates an eight-by-three matrix of 24 competencies. Furthermore, guided by the structure of the OECD Education 2030 Learning Framework, each of these 24 competencies can be differentiated by a selection of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. It leads to Agile evolution.
This frame work has eight areas ,Digital Identity, Digital Use , Digital Communication , Digital Literacy , Digital Rights , Digital Safety , Digital Security and Digital Emotional Intelligence. There are total of 24 competencies. As per report of World Economic Forum.
Digital Empathy & Anxiety and Social Pressures
A recent study, carried out on 38,000 children aged 8-12 across 29 different countries, found that over half were exposed to at least one online-related threat. Such threats include reduced digital empathy – leading to increased anxiety and social pressures among their peers – excessive screen time, digital addiction, cyber-bullying, online grooming, digital identity theft, online privacy mismanagement and exposure to digital disinformation operations.
Skill development And Future Workforce
DQ is something that needs to be built. It is a fundamental precursor to 21st-century skill development for the future workforce because, like a language, it is most effectively absorbed at a young age. As per Tamarac consultancy , VQ or VIQ has many facets like Virtual Professional Appearance & overall virtual personality , Virtual Work Place Behavior , Virtual Meeting Behavior , Virtual Leadership Behavior ,Virtual Communication.
Report of World Economic Forum
Reveals that Without sound digital information discerning and critical thinking skills, ingrained from a young age, people are more likely to share false information without understanding the consequences.
One comment
Muhammad Hasnain Riaz
April 3, 2021 at 8:54 am
Excellent work