TrainingsCORPORATE TRAININGS ,The mindgroomers wayFebruary 10, 20210Aurangzeb Soharwardi reading
TrainingsTraining on ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTFebruary 4, 20210By Aurangzeb SoharwardiContinue reading
TrainingsLets do mentoring, the mindgroomers styleFebruary 3, 20210By Aurangzeb SoharwardiContinue reading
TrainingsTraining for organizations, The mindgroomers wayFebruary 3, 20210By Lead trainer Aurangzeb SoharwardiContinue reading
TrainingsComplete Leadership development program for companiesFebruary 3, 20210By Consultant ,trainer Aurangzeb SoharwardiContinue reading